Snowfall and Ice Estimates

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This page last updated:  1/19 - 6:13 PM

Snow and Ice Probabilities Page

This page will be populated with Snowfall and/or Icing maps when snow accumulation or ice accreditation amounts are estimated by the NWS. I usually post these before the annoucment of any specific warnings or advisory.
Note: If there is no chance of either snow or ice, there won't be any maps below.
If a map is blank, then there wasn’t one available from the NWS offices.

Any Advisories? Click here to go back to the home page.

Click on a maps below to view the estimates

Snowfall Estimates by Region

New Hampshire


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Upstate New York
(Eastern Area)

NYC/Long Island

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Ice Estimates by Region

New Hampshire and Maine
Northeastern NY State
NYC Area, Coastal CT

Snowfall Onset Timing Estimate

Note: If a map is missing, that means there was no map available.

New Hampshire and Maine


Upstate New York
(Eastern Area)

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Snowfall End Timing Estimate

Note: If a map is missing, that means there was no map available.

New Hampshire and Maine


Upstate New York
(Eastern Area)

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